Medical Facilities in Roatan
from bruises to the bends- we got you covered
There are many excellent medical professionals on Roatan, however the facilities may not be what you are used to. Here is a list and contact numbers for the Hospitals and clinics.
Anthony's Key Resort 2445 3003 (Hyberbaric Chamber, 5min taxi ride)
Woods Medical Center 2445 1031
Clinica Ezperanza 2445 3224
Public Hospital Coxen Hole 2445 1227
Cemesa Hospital 2516-0174
Medicentro La Ceiba 2440 3737
Medical services are available on Roatan and are well spread throughout the island. Towards the west there is medical staff available at Anthony’s Key Resort, home of the Hyberbaric Chamber. Coxen Hole has the main public hospital for the island, but there is also Woods Medical Clinic. Serious injuries or severe conditions should head to the mainland.